
In order to make Information Technology work for you I think it is necessary to (re)establish principles and outlines first. As clarifying and clear as possible. Doing that in a simplified manner enables you to establish a solid foundation for understanding, direction, work and progress. Ask yourself what IT (or any subset thereof) is to you, what it should do, deliver, how it should be done, by whom and when, at what cost? Break it down and build it up in coherent pieces. But most important: keep an integrated view.

Information Technology: the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware.

Neat definition given by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA). To be honest? Whatever, right? We all know what it is. Coming to grips with it is perhaps another thing. But nobody has to tell us what Information Technology is all about.

Probably true, but for a great many people ‘what it is all about’ is less relevant than how it is put to use. And with good reason at that. Eventually information technology is just a means to an end. We tend to forget, but it is merely there to help accomplish certain goals. It is about the information not the technology.

That shifts the focal point to answering how IT is most effectively put to use, to establishing its contribution in comparison to the outcome needed. You need to know the components that constitute the contribution, their interrelationship and how to control them. Preferably in a simple as possible representation of reality to keep an overall coherent view.

Core in that representation should be value. Regardless of the fact if you are in profit or non profit, IT is about (generating) value. Brought in and represented by people, information, processes, applications, communication and innovation. Controlled by what, why, where, how, with what, by whom and when. Steered by need, fit, contribution and worth.

Visualize their relationship as an atom, with value forming the nucleus and the other parts as electrons. Realize yourself what the atom stands for: the most basic form of which all matter is constructed.

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And that is it. In essence everything you need to consciously and consistently monitor and steer your actions and decisions regarding the use of information technology. Use it to build up or break down whatever it is your working on. Do so in an iterative manner. As simple as possible. Get to the smallest possible unit of deduction. Understand the components and the forces that influence them. Be in charge, control IT.